Smart Solutions - Glucosmart 30vc
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Lorna Glucosmart 30vc

Smart Solutions - Glucosmart 30 Veg-Caps

SKU: 42145
Availability: 5 In Stock
$58.49 CAD
$64.99 CAD
$58.49 CAD
Smart Solutions - Glucosmart 30vc

Smart Solutions - Glucosmart 30 Veg-Caps

$64.99 $58.49

Smart Solutions - Glucosmart 30 Veg-Caps

$64.99 $58.49

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About Smart Solutions - Glucosmart 30 Veg-Caps

What to expect from this product:

  • Fights belly fat in men and women
  • Aids weight loss
  • Normalizes insulin and blood sugar
  • For blood sugar support
  • Enhances serotonin, our happy hormone
  • Reduces sugar cravings
  • Halts polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • Improves fertility in those with PCOS
  • Stops skin tags
  • Controls elevated testosterone levels that cause male facial hair growth in women
  • For men and women

Exciting ChirositolTMResearch
Over 30 published studies performed at the Virginia Medical School have shown that ChirositolTM, a nutrient derived from carob, is an effective supplement for insulin-resistant conditions including weight gain, metabolic syndrome, as well as for excess androgen (male hormone)-related concerns such as PCOS, acne and male facial hair growth in women.
There is a connection between the loss of our waist and changing hormones. The main hormone involved in the development of belly fat is insulin. Insulin is a powerful hormone that, when in excess, also causes an elevation in male hormones, particularly testosterone. Excess male hormones can cause male facial hair growth, acne and PCOS in women. Elevated insulin and blood sugar further leads to weight gain, high cholesterol, high triglycerides and especially belly fat. An early sign of pre- is skin tags due to higher-than-normal blood sugar and insulin. ChirositolTMnormalizes insulin and blood sugar levels, thereby assisting with all of the above conditions.
ChirositolTMmimics insulin's activity, controlling blood glucose levels, glucose storage and the action of glucose in the cell. It will not, however, cause low blood sugar in those with normal blood sugar levels. ChirositolTMalso elevates our happy hormone, serotonin. Reduced serotonin or poor metabolism of serotonin is linked to increased sugar cravings. By balancing serotonin and blood sugar, ChirositolTMalso helps to control appetite.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an insulin-resistant disorder with resulting elevated male hormones. Many fluid-filled cysts may be present in the ovaries, but some women do not have multiple cysts. In this disorder, excess circulating insulin and luteinizing hormone increase the production of male hormones that can cause acne and coarse facial hair growth in women. Oily skin may also be evident. Affecting up to 10 percent of the population, PCOS is the most common hormone dysfunction among women in their reproductive years. Symptoms often become apparent in puberty, when menstruation begins. Irregular menstrual periods with excess bleeding may occur, or PCOS can cause a lack of periods altogether. Because eggs are frequently not released, infertility is a major concern of women with PCOS. If pregnancy does occur, it often ends with first trimester miscarriage or is associated with gestational blood sugar issues. If left untreated, Women with PCOS also are at increased risk for developing cardiovascular disease and . PCOS is a very challenging condition to treat and ChirositolTMeffectively reduces excess male hormones, reduces weight and appetite, and normalizes ovulation, thereby improving fertility. If you have been battling PCOS, ChirositolTMis the solution.

Smart Solutions - Glucosmart 30 Veg-Caps

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Probiotics Disclaimer:

Our probiotics are stored in our warehouse under refrigeration to guarantee quality and maintain optimal potency. Additionally, we include a FREE ice pack with probiotic shipments. Although the product may not arrive cold, the ice pack helps in preserving a cooler temperature during transit. We recommend taking into account potential weekend or holiday delays when placing your order. For example, it's best to order on a weekday and avoid ordering on Fridays, Saturdays, or during holidays

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